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Explorers of the New Economy
This is the list of all participants who have successfully completed the program Explorers of the New Economy and are ready to start their conscious business journey
We are 4 countries and 51 Explorers of the New Economy
Class of October/2020 (Airton Bones, Aline Cristina Wisneski Mattner, Aline Motta Bomfim, Anderson Luiz Pierin, André Weber, Charles Jose Leidemer, Cleber Zingler, Daniela Beuren Viana, Daniela de Fatima Backes Schossler, Daniela Zamberlan, Debora Juliane Teixeira, Diogo Pramio Dorst, Douglas Vinicius Avozani Santos, Edson Ferreira, Elenice Rubiane, Zingler Rossi, Eugênio Schwaab, Evandro Hendges Gregory, Evandro Pohl Sehn, Everton Cassiano Caneppele Lucke, Fabiana Monhon Orlandin, Fabricio Deitos Fries, Flavio Lucas do Rosario, Gionei Alencar Caneppele Lucke, Glei Amaro Linhares, Guilherme Boer, Jorge Leandro Marmitt Schmidt, Jucelito Diel, Jussara Vanderleia Erbach Kohl, Karine Monalisa Golin Kobs, Leonardo Veller, Lisiane Chechi Prestes, Luis Antonio Borger, Luis Carlos Campiol Kroetz, Marcelo da Silveira, Mauri Andre Neukamp Schneider, Nelsis Jose Turra, Osorio Antonio Nardes, Persio Schweig Rafael Antonio Dotto, Regina Smaneoto Gessi, Rodrigo Segatto, Scheila Aline Chassot Fockink, Tania Regina Ferrari Martins, Vanderlei Hansen, Vera Lucia Coracini Teixeira, Vinicius Heinen
Thomas Eckschmidt (April/2020)
William Alex Simon (August/2020) XRT562-019007
Cristina de Armas (May/2020)​
Kathia Herrera - (August/2020) CCMX01-518010
Fabiana Camara (June/2020)
suddenly, changing the world looks possible
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